Friday 24 January 2014

Evaluation: Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at both my skills audit and my preliminary task, my skills on a mac and on InDesign have improved. At first I was very unfamiliar with macs and did not know how to use them, but I am now very comfortable using both a mac and InDesign, the development of my skills is evident in the difference between my preliminary task and the final design of my pop music magazine below.

There is a lot more variety in the decoration of my final design. Firstly, the fonts, when making my student magazine I was still very unfamiliar with InDesign and the mac controls so I did not experiment with many different fonts, I have only used 1or 2 different fonts for the preliminary task, making it look dull. When making my music magazine I was a lot more comfortable with the controls and tried lots of different fonts and font sizes, for the final design I used 5 or 6 different fonts, of lots of different sizes this shows how my confidence using the InDesign program grew during the making of it.
Another way my skills have developed is the use of plugs and puffs, when making my student magazine I only used 1 picture, which was for the whole cover, I did not add any others to make it more appealing. I have only used cover lines for my student magazine which will not stand out for an audience. For my final music magazine I have used a variety of plugs, puffs and cover lines to make my magazine stand out for the target audience. I have used puffs such as 'PLUS!' and 'WIN!' to attract an audience. I have used pictures to pull in the audience to make them want to get a better look. I have used plugs that I am sure will appeal to my target audience, I have included the 'Free one direction poster in this issue!' as this band will appeal directly to my target audience as will the plug that offers the chance to win a meet and greet with them. These additions to my magazine show how confident I am with InDesign and the different features of it that could improve my magazines appeal. I have learnt how I could add to my magazine to make it stand out with different colours, fonts, layouts and pictures. I can now use InDesign with ease and am confident with a mac computer. I used my preliminary task during the making of my final magazine design to help me understand what more I can add to make my magazine more appealing.

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