Friday 24 January 2014

Evaluation: Question 4/5 - Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience?

The target audience I had in mind while creating my music magazine 'Volume' was young girls aged 11 - 15. Many girls around this age are big fans of artists such as One Direction and Taylor Swift. I have included these in my plugs and puffs on my magazine cover to make it more appealing to this audience. A lot of my audience will probably consume many other types of media as they have been brought up in a world surrounded by them. These other types of media include: The Internet (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr), Television (channels like MTV) and other magazines (gossip magazines). As these social media sites are extremely popular with my target audience, my magazine would also have an official website, a facebook page and a twitter page. This enables my audience to access my magazine through other sources.
I have created a survey for my target audience and will gather some information, using it to find out what attracts the audience and how I can use these answers to help with the design of my magazine to make it more appealing to my target audience.

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