Monday 11 November 2013

Web-based research and report into the target audience

In this post I will research the target audiences for different genre music magazines.

Pop Music - 
Top of the Pops, 

The target audience for Pop music is mainly young girls, around the ages of 11 to 15 years. They could be from all classes. This audience would still be in school. They would probably like artists/bands like One Direction, Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift, these are the artists that are featured quite a lot on the covers of Pop magazines. The girls that are fans of these magazines are probably quite girly and might dress in pinks and purples and blues. The fans of these artists are often very dedicated to them, their rooms covered in posters of their favourite artists, owning all of their CD's, seeing them live every chance they get. This is very common with One direction and Justin Bieber fans.

Rock Music - Kerrang

The target audience for Rock magazines like Kerrang are mainly boys, though many girls read them. Taken from the Kerrang! Website I have learned that 54.7% of their readers are boys and 56.1% of the readers are aged from 15 - 24. These readers could be from all classes as it is an affordable magazine priced at £2.20, from working class to middle class.The audience will probably like heavy metal or rock music and will want to read rock music magazines to find out about new, up and coming rock/heavy metal bands. Artists/Bands that are frequently feature on the cover of these magazines include: Green Day, Paramore, Fall Out Boy and Muse.

Indie Music - 

The target audience for Indie music magazines is both boys and girls, made up of mostly 16 - 24 year olds. The magazines are aimed at all classes, from working to middle, with NME priced at £2.40 and Q £3.99. The audiences of these magazines will be interested in up and coming artists as well as current popular indie music. Artists/Bands that frequently appear of these types of magazines are: Florence and the machine, Amy Whinehouse, The Gallagher brothers, The Arctic Monkeys and The Stone Roses.

Mastheads & What they mean

This is the Masthead for the Rock/Heavy Metal music magazine Kerrang! It is based on the onomatopoeia sound of a power chord on an electric guitar. This matches the style of music as electric guitars are the main instrument of rock music. The font has jagged edges with lines through the letters, this stands out. The exclamation mark at the end of the word also stands out, it grabs attention. The white word on a black background matches the colours based around these magazines, dark and bold.

This is the Masthead for the Pop music magazine Top of the Pops. It was published along side the television show 'Top of the Pops' up until the shows cancellation in 2006. This magazine gives all information about current pop music. It is aimed at young girls, the Masthead matches this by being coloured bright pink to red. This stands out to young girls as a lot of young girls like the colour pink. The font is bold and eye catching and the swirl in the S at the end appeals more to young girls than boys.

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