Monday 25 November 2013

Main Task: Music Magazine, Proposal

Popular Music Magazine Proposal

My magazine will be aimed at young girls aged 11 - 15. The image on the front cover will be a head and shoulder shot of a cheerful girl, this will follow the conventions of pop music magazines as they usually have a pop artist on the front cover with a photo of their head and shoulders, they always look cheerful and happy. I will take a photo of one of my friends with a light coloured background with no pattern. It will be a popular music magazine. The typical content will be about popular artists in the pop industry, with fashion articles, competitions and interviews. Some cover lines I may use are: "Win £100 of make up!" "Jessie J solves your problems!" "Guitar tabs of your favourite pop songs!" "Posters of your favourite boy bands!" "Song lyrics decoded!" The title I have decided to use is 'Volume' and underneath I will put the tagline 'Turn it up!' I have decided to use this title as it is music themed and a lot of the time music is better when played loud. The fonts I will use will be simple but eye-catching.
This is a first draft idea of my masthead, I will probably change the colours and alter some of it before I finish the final copy. The magazine will be published once a month and the covers style and colours will be based on the current season/month. In summer the colours will be bright and summery, like greens, blues and yellows. In autumn the colours will be darker, blues, reds, oranges. The magazine will be A4 sized. On the contents page I will put another picture of the person the main article is about and will put a short interesting part of the interview over the photo, the colours will be similar to the front page. I will also put smaller pictures I have taken of other bands/artists that are featured on the front cover. My magazine will be prized at £2.00. This price is suitable for all classes (working class, middle class etc.).  

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