Monday 23 September 2013

Things you can do with Blogger and How will it be useful?

Things you can do with Blogger:
  • Add photos and videos to your posts
  • Customise your blog
  • You can blog by phone
  • You can add widgets 
  • You can have a personalised domain name
  • Can be used in education for teaching
  • View other blogs and post comments

 How I think Blogger will be useful for my coursework
  • It will be easier to post my work
  • It will be easier for my teachers to see my work
  • I will be able to show how and where I have done my research

How to add a Powerpoint presentation to your blog

  • Create your presentation
  • Upload to
  • Get the 'embed in webpage' address information
  • Go onto blogger and create a new post
  • Copy and paste the address information into the post

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