Wednesday 25 September 2013

Terminology associated with Magazine design


  • Copyright - The legal ownership of a creative work
  • Format - The size, shape, style and appearance of a publication
  • Header - Information line at the top of a page
  • Publisher - 1. The person responsible for the profitability of a publication. 2. A publishing company
  • Readership - How many people read a magazine as apposed to how many buy it
  • Body Copy - Main text on a page
  • Brand - Marketing term for a company or a product name or logo that evokes certain 'values' or reactions in customers that encourage them to buy other products bearing the name
  • Call out - Text from an article that is displayed on a page to entice readers and break up a page visually
  • Centre Spread - The middle two pages of a stapled magazine. Often sold to premium advertisers or used as an editorial feature
  • Consumer magazines - Titles aimed at the general public covering a broad range of topics
  • Corporate Advertising - 
  • Layout - A page design
  • Keyline - Line of space around an image to separate it from other elements
  • Subs - Subscriptions
  • Affinity Sales - Magazines sold in specialised shops where the title may have some relevance, e.g. A history magazine being sold in a museum
  • Audience Duplication - Two magazines that reach the identical audience 
  • Bimonthly - Published every other month
  • Bound-in - A sheet of paper of card that is attached to the magazine during the binding process, e.g. subscription cards or a special advert
  • Puff - Something that is placed on the cover to make the magazine stand out
  • Colour proof - Representation of how a colour page will be printed
  • Masthead - The Main title of the magazine, always on the front cover
  • Secondary Images - Other images on the front cover that may not be as important as the main image
  • Kicker - The story designed to stand out from the rest of the page
  • Editor in chief - The top editorial position at most magazines

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