Monday 30 September 2013

Analysis of 'Teen Vogue' and other magazine covers

This issue of Teen vogue has all the right things to attract its target audience, Teenage girls. It is a fashion magazine so like its partner magazine 'Vogue' which is for older women, it has plenty of fashion advice but it is displayed and written in a brighter and bolder way to interest younger girls. This is the november issue, it was released during the autumn, the cover matches the season by using autumn colours: browns, blues, peaches and light pinks. As it is a fashion magazine most articles are about looks, fall fashions, hair style tutorials, and makeup advice from a young actress. It uses the ideologies that teenage girls are very caught up in how they look, what they wear and if it is in fashion. The magazine uses this to appeal to them. It also appeals to those interested in fashion journalism, they will read this to see what a job in the industry includes, this magazine offers advice on this career, offering tops from 'stylists, editors and interns too!' It also includes an article of friendship troubles, the article will help you 'deal with feeling left out' this appeals to the target audience because arguments between friends are a common problem and teenage girl magazines often have plenty of well needed advice. The font used on this magazine is simple and not too fancy, it's modern, bold and eye catching, they have used colours that compliment each other and make them stand out. Its feature article is an interview with Alexa Chung, she is a well known fashion model and a contributing editor and Vogue. This may appeal to teenage girls as some may be aspiring models and will want to know if she has any advice. The target audience of this magazine have been represented as girls extremely interested in their looks and the latest fashions. The target audience of this magazine are made to seem very feminine, the colours and articles all display the main interests of the target audience successfully.

All of these magazines stick to the conventions of normal teen girl magazines. All issues have articles advising girls on fashion and makeup. This sticks to the ideologies mentioned above of girls being obsessed with looks and fashion. All covers have famous young actresses/singers on the cover, this appeals to young girls as they are popular and are role models for many girls. They also have advice on friendship troubles, a common problem among teen girls. All of these covers have bright eye catching colours and articles, the articles advertise sales and vouchers that they give out, they show celebrities and what they have been wearing and what is coming into fashion next. All of these cover have used subjects they know will catch teenage girls eyes. 

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Terminology associated with Magazine design


  • Copyright - The legal ownership of a creative work
  • Format - The size, shape, style and appearance of a publication
  • Header - Information line at the top of a page
  • Publisher - 1. The person responsible for the profitability of a publication. 2. A publishing company
  • Readership - How many people read a magazine as apposed to how many buy it
  • Body Copy - Main text on a page
  • Brand - Marketing term for a company or a product name or logo that evokes certain 'values' or reactions in customers that encourage them to buy other products bearing the name
  • Call out - Text from an article that is displayed on a page to entice readers and break up a page visually
  • Centre Spread - The middle two pages of a stapled magazine. Often sold to premium advertisers or used as an editorial feature
  • Consumer magazines - Titles aimed at the general public covering a broad range of topics
  • Corporate Advertising - 
  • Layout - A page design
  • Keyline - Line of space around an image to separate it from other elements
  • Subs - Subscriptions
  • Affinity Sales - Magazines sold in specialised shops where the title may have some relevance, e.g. A history magazine being sold in a museum
  • Audience Duplication - Two magazines that reach the identical audience 
  • Bimonthly - Published every other month
  • Bound-in - A sheet of paper of card that is attached to the magazine during the binding process, e.g. subscription cards or a special advert
  • Puff - Something that is placed on the cover to make the magazine stand out
  • Colour proof - Representation of how a colour page will be printed
  • Masthead - The Main title of the magazine, always on the front cover
  • Secondary Images - Other images on the front cover that may not be as important as the main image
  • Kicker - The story designed to stand out from the rest of the page
  • Editor in chief - The top editorial position at most magazines

Monday 23 September 2013

Things you can do with Blogger and How will it be useful?

Things you can do with Blogger:
  • Add photos and videos to your posts
  • Customise your blog
  • You can blog by phone
  • You can add widgets 
  • You can have a personalised domain name
  • Can be used in education for teaching
  • View other blogs and post comments

 How I think Blogger will be useful for my coursework
  • It will be easier to post my work
  • It will be easier for my teachers to see my work
  • I will be able to show how and where I have done my research

How to add a Powerpoint presentation to your blog

  • Create your presentation
  • Upload to
  • Get the 'embed in webpage' address information
  • Go onto blogger and create a new post
  • Copy and paste the address information into the post